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Showing posts from September, 2023

Bitcoin , A Resource to Tap Into

Bitcoin is a useful game changer that need be utilized to gain broader access to more audience in rendering services for financial freedom. Bitcoin is designed by an unknown Individual(s) and the Governmental System is calling it a scam and discouraging her citizens from participating in her adoption, yet the volume of participants grows. Why is it so? What are some interesting things about Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies that makes them be alive over a Decade now ?  Why then do I call it a Natural Resource from Generated Energy ? Is Bitcoin Living up to his name ?  Come with me and view through my perspective. Looking at why Bitcoin was designed, How it is designed, How it have lived up to her Name, How it is Interwoven with Technologies that are the Building Blocks and Backbone of the Internet, the windows of opportunities that sprang forth due to her presence in the World Financial Scene, the happenings around Bitcoin will clearly show you why Bitcoin is a commodity of high valu